1. The notion that your goodness is “good enough” to make you right with God is a lie straight from the father of lies himself.
  2. Applying the pressure of law to ensure you do not to take grace for granted squeezes the life and power out of the gospel.
  3. Jesus continues to do the same for me and for you as he did for his disciples. He still shows up for us. He still speaks his peace to us.
  4. Zwingli the Pastor provides an excellent introduction to the Swiss reformer’s life and work, focusing on Zwingli’s philosophy of church reform, biographical details, and mode of exegesis.
  5. Are you on the receiving end of freedom? Or are you trying to make yourself free?
  6. Sin is a heavy thing to bear. Its jacket is shame, its medals are guilt.
  7. We can interpret "be the Church" as either law or gospel.
  8. Your champion steps forward.
  9. There is no AA for legalists. At least not officially. But there ought to be, and it should be called your local church.
  10. What if the dissonance in this calendrical coincidence can be harmonized into a deeper melody?
  11. At the Transfiguration, we say farewell to alleluia and hello to the horrific reality of our lost condition.