1. Dispel some of that darkness bottled up inside you, with the grace first shared to us by Christ that is now ours to share with those around us.
  2. God does not give us an undebatable answer to suffering. Instead, God suffers, too.
  3. This is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of Your God is Too Glorious: Finding God in the Most Unexpected Places by Chad Bird (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  4. Instead of a death sentence, those brothers hear the words of deliverance.
  5. I have to believe that grace - God’s grace - will be waiting on the other side.
  6. The gospel is for sinners – both the tax collector and Pharisee, both in need of the Great Physician.
  7. The profound significance of Christ’s resurrection comes from the threefold justification it provides: it justifies the sinner, the sinner’s hope, and God himself.
  8. This article is written by guest contributor, Christopher J. Richmann.
  9. The price was really paid. Your sin remains buried in Christ’s tomb.
  10. The notion that your goodness is “good enough” to make you right with God is a lie straight from the father of lies himself.
  11. Applying the pressure of law to ensure you do not to take grace for granted squeezes the life and power out of the gospel.
  12. Like the serpent on the pole, God still puts real-life things up for us to look to for salvation.