1. Success is emphatically not your primary identity.
  2. Moltmann is gone now, but his theology will continue to provoke and provide.
  3. We know we are made for something great. We humans were created in God’s image and restored through Christ in his perfect image.
  4. This is an excerpt from “Encouragement for Motherhood, Devotional Writings on the Work of Christ” edited by Katie Koplin (1517 Publishing, 2024) available for purchase today.
  5. This is the sound of freedom. The Eternal One died so that we who are dying might live eternally with him.
  6. The more I got to know Dr. Rosenbladt, the more I saw that he wasn’t a man divided.
  7. He was rooted in his own tradition but gracious with others when they wanted to learn about his faith or their own.
  8. Anyone could tell he enjoyed teaching theology and loved his students.
  9. In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
  10. Jesus will lead us through the deep waters onto the dry land of that celestial shore, where he will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
  11. Jesus reveals to them again who He is. And that life can only be given when we feed on Christ.
  12. What’s the big deal about Jesus’ name?