The point of Revelation is to reveal consolation in Jesus, not to revel in chaos and confusion.
The good news for Jacob is that God humbled himself so that he could lose a wrestling match to a man with a dislocated hip so that he could give him a new name.
Despite the fact that this could sound strange to modern ears, Luther has an important reason for saying what he does about the Commandments.

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This is an excerpt from “Confession and Absolution” by John T. Pless in Common Places in Theology: A Curated Collection of Essays from Lutheran Quarterly, edited by Mark Mattes, (1517 Publishing 2023).
God does not give us an undebatable answer to suffering. Instead, God suffers, too.
The Battle of Frankenhausen stands as a warning for what can happen when we abandon the Word God has given us and chase after some vision of our own imaginations.
Elsewhere makes promises that can’t be kept, but God’s promises are secure, reliable, and certain.
Like the serpent on the pole, God still puts real-life things up for us to look to for salvation.
Don’t get in the habit (or, if you already do it, get out of the habit) of saying, “I could never talk about these things the way my pastor does.”
One way or another, Rod always found a way to bring whatever story he was telling back to the gospel and God's grace in Christ.
Do our petitions move God?
In this article Amy Mantravadi give a short but helpful summary of the differences in Lutheran and Reformed thought regarding assurance.
Curious about what Lutherans mean by “Two Kingdom”? In this short piece John Hoyum sums up the doctrine and some of its potential consequences.
1517 Resources to help Celebrate Reformation Day
We must also address the stigma surrounding addiction within so many churches.