1. Lutherans have a unique heritage that makes teaching predestination doubly difficult.
  2. This is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of Your God is Too Glorious: Finding God in the Most Unexpected Places by Chad Bird (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  3. The Battle of Frankenhausen stands as a warning for what can happen when we abandon the Word God has given us and chase after some vision of our own imaginations.
  4. The gospel is for sinners – both the tax collector and Pharisee, both in need of the Great Physician.
  5. God chose Russell Brand, chose to defy his fast-escaping life and drink up all his swift-running sin in the River Thames.
  6. This article is written by guest contributor, Christopher J. Richmann.
  7. Like the serpent on the pole, God still puts real-life things up for us to look to for salvation.
  8. Bathed in the waters of baptism, you are placed in God's path of totality, a path he won for each and every one of us.
  9. Jesus continues to do the same for me and for you as he did for his disciples. He still shows up for us. He still speaks his peace to us.
  10. The seemingly small, the particular, the previously overlooked, magnifies in importance.
  11. This day and its meaning provided the opportunity for an anonymous author to write a poem for Sheer Thursday about Judas' betrayal of Jesus.
  12. St. Patrick was great but only because he was a slave to Christ.