1. This is an excerpt from part two of “On Any Given Sunday: The Story of Christ in the Divine Service” by Mike Berg (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  2. The story of salvation is the true story of God doing his unexpected work of salvation for us.
  3. Paul is writing as a man who has already lived a life of law-keeping while denying the resurrection.
  4. What if sin was truly removed and what if the one who took it from us had the power to conquer it’s curse and spit in the face of death?
  5. What is undoubtedly true, however, is that St. Peter wasn’t left outside. He wasn’t left weeping. He was restored, as am I, as are you.
  6. Past, present, and future are tied together in Christ.
  7. My fear of this coming darkness only lasts a moment.
  8. We can’t predict the harvest. We can only sow.
  9. We don't make Church "happen." Only Christ can do so. It's his happening.
  10. Reading includes, on some level, striving. Hearing, on the other hand, remains passive.
  11. To believe God is love and thus loves you is a miracle wrought by the Holy Spirit.
  12. His love for you is so deep that in his mercy, while you were yet a sinner, God sent his only begotten Son to die for you.