1. Walking in the light doesn't entail a spotless moral record but rather an honest appraisal of who we are.
  2. If you are going to lose your life for the gospel’s sake, you must begin by hearing it.
  3. There is only one antidote to the venom of sin and death: the Savior who becomes the serpent so that every snake-bitten-sinner might live.
  4. To “trust in God in trial” means we fight our battles by kneeling and praying to “the Holy One of Israel,” who works out our deliverance by himself.
  5. We bring nothing with us that contributes to the preaching or the hearing of God’s promise to us.
  6. At the heart of The Idiot is Dostoevsky's confession of faith and the confession of all Christians.
  7. Faith is like a horse with blinders because it only beholds God’s promise. It is obsessed with what God has already said.
  8. The spirit indeed is willing and desires bodily death as a gentle sleep. It does not consider it to be death; it knows no such thing as death.
  9. With Christ as the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, the future is secure already. It’s solid right now, even when the cords seem to be fraying.
  10. In Jesus, the most totalizing summary of the law becomes the gospel of the one made perfect through obedience.
  11. Moses is no Jesus but he, like us, is saved by Him. The law cannot enter the promised land, and yet the true and greater promised land is occupied by nothing but lawbreakers.
  12. Through Martin Luther, God would unleash a far greater storm than the one which overwhelmed Luther on July 2, 1505.