1. Christian mercy should not seek its own. It must be round, and open its eyes and look at all alike, friend and foe, as our heavenly Father does.
  2. It’s God’s power that we are dealing with here that is made perfect in weakness, not ours. God’s power is made perfect in the weakness of the cross.
  3. There’s no possibility of understanding the grace of Romans 6 and the glory of Romans 8 unless you identify with the excruciating struggle of Romans 7.
  4. The only solution to free will is the announcement from a preacher that the Father forgives us for Christ's sake.
  5. This week, we are grateful to publish a series of sermons from our beloved late Chaplain, Ron Hodel. This is the second installment of that series.
  6. When the Law is viewed in its true light, when its "glory" is revealed, it is found to do nothing more than to kill man and sink him into condemnation.
  7. That on Pentecost God’s Spirit should function through a dozen seeming inebriates should be no surprise when this same God saves through the ignominy of the cross.
  8. The list of things our kids need to know when they leave the house is much simpler than we might believe.
  9. In the face of abject evil, these two faithfully cling to the words and truths of he alone who is Good, Jehovah God.
  10. I trust that because of the gospel, God will continue to mend what I, in my sin, continue to break.
  11. The point Luther made, again and again, was that distance between God and sinners is collapsed when the crucified Christ himself comes to sinners through a preacher.
  12. Darkness is not your only friend. Jesus loves you, and he will be with you.