1. To give us God’s name, the name that is above every name, Christ gave us the exact words to say at baptism: the name of the triune God who is three persons, one God: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
  2. Free-range Christ is fearful Christ because he is present, speaking, and I just crucified him.
  3. Scott Hall may not have been a theologian or a preacher but for me, at that moment he might as well have been.
  4. Who we are buried with matters. But there is no need to go out and find a dead prophet so you can join him six feet under.
  5. If there were ever any doubt about God's commitment to humanity, the incarnation removed that doubt. God became a man forever. And thus he is our brother, our kinsman redeemer, the God who would move heaven and earth to save us.
  6. Sometimes it’s important to go far away to learn of holy places back home.
  7. I finally watched the film “Encanto” with my kids. I had heard many people say the subtext of this movie was deeper than most. So, we snuggled up on the couch and watched it to see what everyone was talking about.
  8. You are not in debt to sin. You don’t owe it anything. There’s no reason for you to serve it.
  9. Christians do have a hope that those who sleep in death will be awakened and their joy will never end, and we yearn for that day.
  10. The church’s song goes on and on, singing and ringing down to us today.
  11. This Christmas season we are thankful that even though we “fallers” are unable to climb up to God, he came down the ladder to us.
  12. While the world and other religions might be fine with considering him everything but, the foremost thing our Jesus came to be and still remains is Jesus, Savior.