1. Do you confess Christ as God in the flesh, born, died, and raised to new life for you? Any answer of yes will do
  2. Increasingly, to forgive is seen as winking at evil, as shrugging one’s moral shoulders, and as being complicit.
  3. Good, we tend to think, is the absence of evil. But this reversal of the formula can only have disastrous consequences.
  4. God is consistently rooting us in reality—both what is seen and unseen—because that is where he is.
  5. Our challenge today is to inspire trust and curiosity so this generation will openly ask the question, who speaks the words of truth?
  6. Armed with great analogies, airtight logic, and razor sharp wit, Lewis keeps you spellbound from one chapter to another as you find yourself going “further up and further in.”
  7. In honor of this anniversary celebration, here are five fun facts about The Lord of the Rings that I hope you will enjoy.
  8. So what, if anything, makes us different from those who are waiting on the grassy knoll in Dallas, TX? Can we be any more sure of our belief in the resurrection?
  9. Jesus meets us in our life of lies, in our falsehoods, in the untruth of our being, and in the company, we create to cover up our nakedness.
  10. When we — sinful, reprehensible we — become the enforcers of justice, we never bring about true justice. We either go too far or not far enough.
  11. When sin comes out of the shadows and makes itself known, Christians can rest in and declare Christ's resurrection.
  12. In writing City of God, Augustine sought to demonstrate that the events of 410 were but a glimpse of all history.