1. "Remember the Sabbath day" . . . but what does that mean? Shall we rest from our labors, because God rested from His?
  2. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE, Mike and Wade discuss Sunday, the sabbath, worship, and feasts. Why do Christians historically gather on Sundays?
  3. Craig and Troy return to the Table of Duties and discuss the vocations of family. How does God expect a Godly man to operate in his family? What does He expect of the wife? What does He expect of the children?
  4. Okay well . . . not really. But what do you owe your pastor? Craig and Troy begin a new series on the Table of Duties.
  5. Lexham Press associate publisher, Todd Hains, joins Kelsi in this episode to discuss his book, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike and Wade are give thanks for the life and ministry of Jim Nestingen and discuss his article entitled “Justification by Faith in Luther’s Small Catechism.”
  7. We are excited to have Natasha Kennedy, illustrator for to a children's book on the Apostle's Creed, talking about communicating through illustrated theology.
  8. In this fun episode, we talk about ways we celebrate Advent as a family.
  9. In a world where we are expected to create our own truth, finding a firm, steady place to examine truth can be a relief from the decision fatigue.
  10. Gretchen and Katie move onto the 2nd Article of the Apostle's Creed, that discusses the 2nd person of the Trinity.
  11. Perms, and catechism. No, Gretchen and Katie are not going through middle school again, they are walking through the Apostle's Creed in Luther's Small Catechism.
  12. We recently had the chance to meet in person with our podcast producer: Caleb Keith, and so we took the opportunity to have a conversation with him about catechizing children. In other words: what do you want your kids to know about God before they grow up and leave the home?