1. Don’t get in the habit (or, if you already do it, get out of the habit) of saying, “I could never talk about these things the way my pastor does.”
  2. Regularly reading and hearing God’s Word helps us to keep a song in our hearts.
  3. Jesus will lead us through the deep waters onto the dry land of that celestial shore, where he will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
  4. Jesus reveals to them again who He is. And that life can only be given when we feed on Christ.
  5. What’s the big deal about Jesus’ name?
  6. God has a hall ready for us, for us and for so many more
  7. When the waters of anxiety and depression rise, there is One who understands.
  8. If poetry elevates its subject, we could also say the reverse: the subject, in this case, the Most High God, elevates the language.
  9. The Lord has remembered to help his servant Israel, to fulfill his promises to Abraham and to his offspring forever, not mostly or mainly because of his mercy, but exclusively so.
  10. In the tumultuous sea of information, opinions, and ideologies that break over us each day, we hold fast to the anchor of our faith—Jesus, the true prophet.
  11. God’s published will offers us anchorage, the anchorage of Jesus Christ, in the midst of chaos, reminding us that there is a greater purpose to our lives than the pursuit of worldly success or fleeting pleasures.
  12. The existence of aliens can not negate the promise given to us by God courtesy of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.