1. Don’t get in the habit (or, if you already do it, get out of the habit) of saying, “I could never talk about these things the way my pastor does.”
  2. Rod Rosenbladt, the encourager of all things good, true, and beautiful and a tireless warrior for Jesus and the Gospel message, finally rests at the marriage feast of the lamb.
  3. Regularly reading and hearing God’s Word helps us to keep a song in our hearts.
  4. In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
  5. Anderson encourages us to meditate upon the ways that Christ truly is the end of our exploring.
  6. Kyle G. Jones gives a broad primer on what apologetics is, what it hopes to accomplish, and its limitations.
  7. Rick Ritchie gives a brief summary on the importance of Plato’s thought in Christianity
  8. If poetry elevates its subject, we could also say the reverse: the subject, in this case, the Most High God, elevates the language.
  9. Lewis takes us to the planets to satisfy our cravings for spiritual adventure, which, as he says, “sends our imaginations off the Earth,” in the first place.
  10. The only place to begin a discussion of human/creaturely identity is with our relationship to the God whose breath filled dust, brought us to life, sustains us and gives us a hopeful future.
  11. God’s published will offers us anchorage, the anchorage of Jesus Christ, in the midst of chaos, reminding us that there is a greater purpose to our lives than the pursuit of worldly success or fleeting pleasures.