1. Christian hope means always hope in God and hope in Christ simultaneously without distinction.
  2. Hermeneutics in Romans: Paul’s Approach to Reading the Bible is now available from 1517 Publishing
  3. This is an excerpt from “Hermeneutics in Romans: Paul’s Approach to Reading the Bible” written by Timo Laato (1517 Publishing, 2021). Now available for preorder.
  4. We prefer God to forgive our sin by not paying attention to it. Then our prayer is not for grace but that God would overlook and wink at us from the sidelines.
  5. God daily broadsides us with his abundant power and glory as we observe nature around us. And yet, as glorious as this book of nature is, it is not enough.
  6. You and I have a God who pardons all our wrongdoing by taking all of them onto himself. He doesn’t zap us into oblivion at the first sign of rebellion.
  7. God always keeps his promises even if/when we don’t. God is always faithful even if/when we aren’t.
  8. The Holy Spirit does what his name implies. He makes us holy. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and come to him only by the Holy Spirit who calls us with the gospel.
  9. I can look at all of my failings and foolishness because I know who Christ is for me. I rest in his wisdom and life not my own.
  10. If Jesus is better than Moses, then everything changes. If Jesus is better than Moses, then the ultimate becomes the penultimate.
  11. Nostalgia is a looter who impoverishes us of the truth that God is in our midst right now.
  12. The Bible is a book for the desperate. That is its target audience. Recognizing our desperation readies us to hear the consolation that only God’s Word can offer.