1. In contrast to the human courts of our land, the Divine court never makes errors nor excuses
  2. The one true God has revealed himself as the answer to the longings of every human heart. The search has ended. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Holy, Holy, Holy.
  3. Pentecost reminds us of not only what happened on that day described in Acts 2 but what is happening every day: the Spirit of God working in and through God’s people, according to his word.
  4. If the Risen Christ is ushering in a new kingdom and a new creation, then maybe we shouldn’t be surprised to see some earth-shaking and mind-blowing things taking place.
  5. We confess the ascension of Christ every Sunday in the words of the both the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creed.
  6. Just as the grave could not hold the Lord of Life, neither could the calendar contain Easter to just one Sunday.
  7. Tomorrow Jesus will laugh his way out of the tomb, spit in the face of death, and kick the devil in the throat as he dances to the clapping glee of angelic masses. But today he just rests.
  8. You can’t bear your own sins, to say nothing of getting rid of them.
  9. Repentance means to turn or change your mind. It is not a turn from sin to righteousness. It is a turn from sin to the righteous Son of God who has defeated all sin.
  10. Good Friday encompasses the silence of God, even as it focuses on our salvation in the cross of Christ.
  11. For the God-man goes from borrowed donkey to borrowed upper room to borrowed cross and borrowed tomb. For you.