1. Excerpt #2 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  2. The problem with sin is that we fail to honor God who wants to take our hearts captive and fill us with his goodness.
  3. Excerpt #1 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  4. Below is a compilation of some of our contributors and editors favorite theology books published in 2021. We hope these can be a resource for each of you as we begin 2022!
  5. What we are asked to believe as we ponder the birth of this child is that in his coming, a new creation has dawned.
  6. The best we would have to look forward to, without Jesus, is a society dedicated to addressing problems and working through them.
  7. Let us ponder the Son, the precious Son of God, given as a ransom and sacrifice for us, that we too might be called children of God.
  8. Gideon’s “foolish” weaponry of clay jars and shofars will give way to the Messiah’s “foolish” ways of doing things, for his weapons will be humility, fidelity, and, above all, the word of his Father.
  9. Isaiah speaks to our time. He speaks to our rejoicing now and an anticipated joy-filled future. Christ’s coming, Christmas, brings them both.
  10. Because of Christ, we find safety and healing in the light. Because of Christ, we do not have to be afraid of the truth that his light reveals.
  11. Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons is now available through 1517 Publishing
  12. Big or small, potential or certain, the despair we may grapple with during this time of year tends to find its end in the fact that things are not as they should be.