1. Every incendiary move of God’s Spirit is accompanied by a group of penitent people rediscovering the power and preeminence of God’s Word.
  2. In the Reformation, as in the tabernacle, God gave skill, artistry, and craftsmanship to put his Word in images so that through art, his Word would be revealed.
  3. For as you pick up the Holy Bible, God’s Word to you and for you in Christ, the words of the prophet Isaiah echo in your ears, "The Word of the Lord Endures Forever."
  4. This is an excerpt from “The Pastoral Prophet: Meditations on the Book of Jeremiah” written by Steve Kruschel (1517 Publishing, 2019).
  5. The power of the Word of God is the power of God himself, for he is always faithful to his Word.
  6. Our value and our values, our life, our everything is from Jesus Christ given to us as a gift.
  7. Vilification of the other is married to the justification of the self.
  8. Following Jesus, we gimp our way down the dark and slippery paths of life. As we do, we discover, ironically, that the longer we follow him, the weaker we become, and the more we lean on our Lord.
  9. Because of Jesus, God always hears our prayers, and he always responds to them in love–regardless of the quality or quantity of the one speaking them.
  10. Our God is the one who brings back the exile, who restores the outcast, he is the one who devises means to do so.
  11. Our only hope in life and death is that God loves sinners, who fail and forget constantly, with a love that is just as constant.
  12. God's Son comes to deal with the infestation of sin, but in an unforeseen twist of grace, he’s the only one who goes under the knife.