1. Paul has zero patience for the gospel of God to be called into question, especially when the ones questioning it are the ones who should’ve known better.
  2. Amy Mantravadi asks if we should forgive others even if they are not repentant
  3. In this piece Bob Hiller follows C.S. Lewis’ lead from Screwtape Letters and offers a sequel of his own.
  4. Curious about what Lutherans mean by “Two Kingdom”? In this short piece John Hoyum sums up the doctrine and some of its potential consequences.
  5. Delwyn Campbell wrestles with a situation that demands love and justice
  6. Steven Paulson shares the meaning (and grace) found in All Saints Day
  7. Matthew 22 sees Jesus address Jewish legal debates. In the process, he makes disticntions between the Law and Gospel.
  8. As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
  9. Attempting to escape the errors of medieval Catholic thinking, Agricola ended up making the same mistake of conflating law and gospel.
  10. We must also address the stigma surrounding addiction within so many churches.
  11. What if Jesus had said on the cross, “Earn it”?