1. The God whom I met without a preacher is neither revealing nor hiding—but now, with a preacher, he has become my hiding place!
  2. Long ago, the people of Israel began to sing words of encouragement to each other in times of distress. In their songs, the psalms, are three Hebrew words that provide stability for us. They are more than just words—each one encapsulates the way of God with his people. They serve as helpful handholds in times of stress and upheaval. The words are these: רָפָה (be still), קָוָה (wait), and שָׁמַר (watch).
  3. God cares for us because we’re created in his image, but he also cares for us because the second person of the Trinity, the Son, became one of us.
  4. For the past twenty years that I've been a Christian, I've not found any evidence in my reading of Judges 13-16 that qualifies Samson for the "book of faith" (Hebrews 11).