1. Lincoln's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
  2. Today is Pastor Bo Giertz birthday. This is an excerpt from Bo Giertz’ novel, With My Own Eyes, translated by Bror Erickson (1517 Publishing, 2017).
  3. Tim wanted everyone to know to the deepest part of their being that they were justified by Christ alone.
  4. If the season of Lent is a journey, Holy Week is the destination.
  5. What we discover in O’Connor’s stories and Martin Luther’s theology is that God’s grace is elusive because the human heart is resistant to it.
  6. Sunshine and rain, food and harvests, family, friends, and health, love and joy. All these things and more he gives, not because of what you do or don’t do, but because he is generous and gracious.
  7. This is the message of Lent. We are not called to sacrifice for Jesus in order to earn our salvation. Rather, we are called to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
  8. For with God we look not for the order of nature, but rest our faith in the power of him who works.
  9. It all starts with God; and it all ends with God. He is the alpha and omega of giving and generosity.
  10. We ache in eager anticipation as we see Christ in action and as we take in the snapshots of his life, death, and resurrection.
  11. The mind-blowing part of this entire story, though, isn’t that only one leper came back to “give thanks,” but that the Lord Jesus healed all ten knowing full well that only one would come back.