1. So bondage meets freedom, and God becomes our Master through Christ.
  2. Desiderius Erasmus and many humanists had for a while held out hope for Luther’s call for reform and many of the reformers were themselves, to some degree, humanists.
  3. Just when we think we had it all under control, Christ breaks into the midst of our futile efforts to save ourselves.
  4. In The Fall of 2016, Dr. James Nestingen came on our show and talked about the Bondage of the Will.
  5. We’ve been desperate—and it is a gift of God when we are, when we realize our lost condition!
  6. In other words, they had too much religion and not enough Yahweh. Or, to put it in New Testament terms, they worked so hard at being religious that they put Jesus out of work.
  7. Kierkegaard attempts to take us through Abraham’s mind as the patriarch prepares to sacrifice his son, his only son, his son whom he loves.
  8. On this episode of the Thinking Fellows, Dr. Jim Nestingen stops by to talk about Luther's book the Bondage of the Will. This episode is filled with profound wisdom, great stories, and a whole lot of fun. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  9. The Thinking Fellows discuss the human will and ask some important questions. What role does the will have in or on the Christian life? What does it mean for the will to be bound? And does the will have anything to do with faith or salvation? As usual, the Fellows look to Scripture and the teachings of the Lutheran Reformation for the answer. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.