1. Psalm 123 contains some of the most beautiful descriptions of the life of faith, describing how we look to God until “He shall be gracious to us” as we wait in hope.
  2. Over the last several weeks, the news has been abuzz with UFOs.
  3. Let’s Not Talk About Love. In this episode, we discuss R.C. Sproul’s Christmas sermon wherein he preaches on the Gospel of Luke chapter 2. The espresso kicked in early, and we read through the whole sermon before diving deep into the distinction between exposition and proclamation, so buckle up. Riley talks too much while Gillespie exercises patience and restraint.
  4. Psalm 50 is rebuke to those that either think they are too important, or they think God doesn't notice their acceptance of sin and hypocracy.
  5. Who’s Running the Verbs of Grace? In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s defense of God’s grace against the Pelagians, with a healthy dose of Reformation theology added for seasoning.
  6. They Call Me… Tim. In this episode, we discuss Tim Keller’s sermon, The Purpose of Christmas. Does it matter that Jesus’ birth is a historical fact? What’s the difference between an eyewitness account and a legend? What are we really preaching at Christmas, and why should anyone care?
  7. Gretchen Ronnevik is the author of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted and co-host of the podcast, Freely Given.
  8. Who is God? We are continuing through the 1st article of the Apostle's Creed. We discuss what it means that God created us, and sustains us.
  9. The Lord told Moses to give a blessing on the people of Israel.
  10. We are celebrating our 100th episode by answering listener questions that were sent in.
  11. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith