1. All of humanity commonly bears the imago Dei, or "image of God." And yet, there's a way in which we have lost that image, and it must be restored to us.
  2. To be human is by its very nature to be finite.
  3. What is original sin? Who is responsible for it?
  4. There is a paradox between the reality of you always taking comfort in your salvation and you nevertheless being able to reject the faith.
  5. The doctrine of election is biblical, good, and comforting . . . but also frequently misunderstood.
  6. We are obligated to do the good works of God.
  7. Craig and Troy work out the very nature of the Christian faith . . . but maybe it's not what you thought it was.
  8. Pardoxeses? Pardoxi? Para . . . well, whatever the plural of "paradox" is, Craig and Troy cut to the quick and determine when a paradox of the Christian faith is good, when it must not be resolved, and when it should be just believed.
  9. Nothing tastes as good as a juicy bit of gossip, amirite?
  10. Craig and Troy draw their discussion on the 10 Commandments to a close with that most inward of all the commandments: coveting.
  11. What does it mean to steal? God gives the gift of property to us and to our neighbors, and we have both the expectation and the joy of helping them to protect what He has given. Craig and Troy tumble down the rabbit hole of the seventh commandment, "You shall not steal."
  12. So, let's be frank: sexual sin abounds. The temptation and desire to sin is everywhere in our world.