1. Craig and Troy ponder Palm Sunday as they look at Jesus riding on an unused donkey into Jerusalem.
  2. Where can man find wisdom?
  3. In this first of 2 episodes on Psalm 135 Chad talks about our plenteous supply of other gods, and meditates on how the God aboves all gods cares for us.
  4. Stilled chaos and Job’s integrity.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-THREE, Jason and Wade discuss chronological hubris and the need to consider people and events within the context of their time and not ours, suggesting that the Old Testament is a good remedy for chronological hubris.
  6. Everybody’s Working for the Weekend. In this episode, we continue our Lenten tradition of reading Luther’s Galatians commentary in March, discussing past and present idolatry and why we keep falling for the same sales pitches from the same gods.
  7. Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord.
  8. A short and empty argument.
  9. Job as a type of Christ.
  10. There’s Power in the Blood. In this episode, we read a homily on John’s Gospel, the power of Christ’s blood, and a whole lot of symbolism in John Chrysostom’s exegesis.