1. What we do much less of, even in Christian circles, is recognize just how pervasive sin is, such that it has thoroughly corrupted us.
  2. Now that the Lord of Sabaoth has involved himself, something ends, something is born.
  3. God chose Russell Brand, chose to defy his fast-escaping life and drink up all his swift-running sin in the River Thames.
  4. Five promises were seemingly all those apostles, staring into the sky, had to go on. Five promises that were more than enough.
  5. Elsewhere makes promises that can’t be kept, but God’s promises are secure, reliable, and certain.
  6. It's easy to have courage when things go well.
  7. The Good Shepherd doesn’t leave the sheep to fend for themselves.
  8. This article is written by guest contributor, Christopher J. Richmann.
  9. The opponents of Father Brown thought that debunking the fake resurrection of Father Brown would discredit the good news of Christ's resurrection. The truth, however, is the other way around.
  10. Regardless of background or beliefs, every American I talk to seems on edge, as if the sky were about to fall. But the sky is not falling.
  11. There is no AA for legalists. At least not officially. But there ought to be, and it should be called your local church.