1. God invites you to confess the skeletons in your closet so that he might bury them in the grave for good.
  2. Everyone is living as a naked sufferer who’s been duped into believing that the nakedness of suffering has to be covered up.
  3. We prefer God to forgive our sin by not paying attention to it. Then our prayer is not for grace but that God would overlook and wink at us from the sidelines.
  4. If you and I were to examine our own lives, we’d likely have to admit that we are frequent disciples of Jeroboam’s “bootleg religion.”
  5. The irony of our idolatry is that many of our idols could and would speak the gospel to us if we would listen.
  6. What is it, though, that makes bedtime so fraught with anxiety?
  7. Faith isn’t something that needs to be done. It’s something to be enjoyed because faith is a gift bestowed by God’s word through the hearing of the Gospel.
  8. Death may speak, and its voice may sound authoritative and decisive. Nonetheless, it is a mere whimper from the grave.
  9. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture echoes with the great songs of salvation that fill our ears, hearts, minds, and mouths with the good news of salvation in Jesus.
  10. This is an excerpt from the introduction of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted written by Gretchen Ronnevik (1517 Publishing, 2021), 122-125. Now available for preorder.