1. Scott Hall may not have been a theologian or a preacher but for me, at that moment he might as well have been.
  2. It is good to remember that this true story, is also beautiful.
  3. The Lord sees the blood of the Lamb upon us, but does not merely pass over us in mercy. He passes into us by grace.
  4. All human wisdom, righteousness, and holiness are made futile in that which belongs to God’s kingdom.
  5. Who we are buried with matters. But there is no need to go out and find a dead prophet so you can join him six feet under.
  6. What grace is this? It’s grace from Christ, who often seizes us when we least expect it, even through the hands of His enemies.
  7. When you are stripped down to nothing, desperate, lowly, you will again know what she knows: the crumbs are enough, Jesus is enough, for you.
  8. If there were ever any doubt about God's commitment to humanity, the incarnation removed that doubt. God became a man forever. And thus he is our brother, our kinsman redeemer, the God who would move heaven and earth to save us.
  9. The Word of the Lord is sure. The enemy is defeated. Salvation is waiting for you.
  10. God is often hidden in history, even as we make it now, but He is always manifest where He has promised to be.
  11. Lent means that we do not have to look to ourselves but can look to our neighbor in love as Christ has loved us.
  12. Each email entry in The Withertongue Emails is intended to compel the reader to stop and think about their pastor, themselves, and their churches.