1. This is an excerpt from “A Shepherd’s Letter” written by Bo Giertz and translated by Bror Erickson (1517 Publishing, 2022).
  2. This book is not in your hands so that we can simply commiserate with each other’s difficulties. It is meant to pierce your sin-darkened night with the light of God’s Word.
  3. History won’t judge us, Jesus will. We already have his judgment. He gave it to us from the cross, where he acquitted us with his death.
  4. Great things are contained in these seemingly unimportant words: "Behold, your king." Such boundless gifts are brought by this poor and despised king.
  5. Each email entry in The Withertongue Emails is intended to compel the reader to stop and think about their pastor, themselves, and their churches.
  6. Excerpt #3 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  7. Excerpt #2 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  8. The problem with sin is that we fail to honor God who wants to take our hearts captive and fill us with his goodness.
  9. Excerpt #1 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  10. Below is a compilation of some of our contributors and editors favorite theology books published in 2021. We hope these can be a resource for each of you as we begin 2022!
  11. Isaiah speaks to our time. He speaks to our rejoicing now and an anticipated joy-filled future. Christ’s coming, Christmas, brings them both.
  12. The Advents of Christ (past, present, and future) elicit faith in the word of Christ, confirmed by his presence.