1. Jesus Christ is our peace because he doesn't criticize us. He declares us freed from our perceptions to accept the truth about ourselves.
  2. We can celebrate what others consider mundane and ordinary because it's miraculous. After all, it's God-given.
  3. Our anxiety about the future is a consequence of our old self’s attempts to achieve freedom for himself apart from Christ Jesus.
  4. As a parent listens for the cry of a hurting child, our heavenly Father waits for our cry of weal and woe.
  5. For God to shine his face upon us is the same as saying, “Christ Jesus is with us.”
  6. Christmas-time is the bold proclamation that God was born to save sinners.
  7. People do not seek the gospel because they want to, but because God’s Word drives them to it.
  8. Advent is not a call to prepare to engage in a transaction with God.
  9. The proclamation of Christ's coming is for all people, at all times.
  10. To a world enslaved to time (because it has no future), the Church's disregard for clocks and calendars is ridiculous.
  11. Trusting Jesus, worshipping our Christ, and praising him, we have the blessing of God so that we can give thanks with a grateful heart for everything he gives to us today and always.
  12. Jesus overcame sin, death, and Satan on the cross. His bloody suffering and death marked this sinful world's defeat.