1. Jesus came from the heights of heaven above to the depths of earth below to rescue and redeem his long-lost love.
  2. Bo Giertz attained infamy in Sweden for a humble adherence to unpopular, orthodox practice and doctrine.
  3. Our Lord is not only the King of creation but the King of creativity.
  4. The entrance of children into the world reminds our world of the hope of redemption in Genesis 3:15.
  5. The goal of language in the mouth of a Christian isn’t to hold power for ourselves but to give it.
  6. God’s word is creative in both the imaginative sense and the constructive sense. It brings things into existence and displays new ideas, images, and concepts we did not previously perceive.
  7. In a time of unknown, the Flanigans found comfort in the words of the prayer book and made them truly their own.
  8. Rachel was the beloved wife, to be sure, but she was not the maternal link between Eve and Mary. That blessed position belonged to Leah.
  9. Jesus’s freedom is different. It isn’t meant to indicate that the moorings which tether men and women to what is true, beautiful, and holy are unfastened, liberating them to do anything they please.
  10. The upright, in whom the law has exercised its work, when they feel their sickness and weakness, say: God will help me; I trust in him; I build upon him; he is my rock and hope.
  11. The grass withered for them too, but they held on to God’s Word. They knew that was eternal, so they lived in it. They lived in his forgiveness.
  12. It turns out that when Elijah battled depression, God sent someone to just be with him. To comfort him.