1. Despite our best efforts to avoid him, King Jesus remains very much unavoidable.
  2. When and how did the church start this season of anticipation?
  3. For with God we look not for the order of nature, but rest our faith in the power of him who works.
  4. It all starts with God; and it all ends with God. He is the alpha and omega of giving and generosity.
  5. We ache in eager anticipation as we see Christ in action and as we take in the snapshots of his life, death, and resurrection.
  6. Help comes for those who cannot help themselves. When we bottom-out and come to the end of ourselves, that is where hope springs.
  7. Preachers and church workers must also hear the gospel preached to them.
  8. If a key part of the Reformation was placing God’s Word back into the hands of the people in a clear, understandable way, then John of Ragusa can be called a “Prometheus” in his own right.
  9. When the Reformers read the Bible (especially when studied in the original languages), they found a God who was gracious and merciful for the sake of Christ.
  10. Through water, blood, and word, the Spirit never stops pointing us to Christ, and even more, giving us Christ.