1. The needs of the people remain the same, but now the people are you and me. We still sin, and that sin causes so many challenges in our lives.
  2. It’s scary to share my struggle and to show that I have cracks because once I’ve shown my cards, I open myself up for judgment.
  3. Zephaniah has given us something more visceral to help us understand the love of God: the sound of salvation.
  4. Even as he was dying, the heart of God poured itself out for the sake of sinners.
  5. Christ our Word, as with a two-edged sword, burst the devil's belly.
  6. I think the problem with the idea of eternity is that we do not have any direct experience of it, but we encounter enough of its possibility to be unsettling.
  7. Jesus not only healed her daughter, but he also gave himself to her. Wherever she went from then on, he was with her.
  8. The usual acclamation when one becomes King is: “Long live the King!” But this King of kings, this son of David, has come to die.
  9. If Jesus shows up and you are a sinner, ‘tis more blessed to receive than to give
  10. We will not become hopeless because the Lord is with us.
  11. While the world is full of horizons and endpoints, for Christians, there is always tomorrow, and there are people in that tomorrow waiting for us as we wait for them.
  12. We ache in eager anticipation as we see Christ in action and as we take in the snapshots of his life, death, and resurrection.