1. The Word of Yahweh is not a trifling thing that can be visited only when it’s convenient. It’s a book of life, for all of life, that imparts life to those who believe in it and the God of it.
  2. When we — sinful, reprehensible we — become the enforcers of justice, we never bring about true justice. We either go too far or not far enough.
  3. Martha’s pain is not met by a to-do list. Jesus’ reply is not that she should try harder or change her behavior
  4. The essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man.
  5. When sin comes out of the shadows and makes itself known, Christians can rest in and declare Christ's resurrection.
  6. Today, we begin a short series profiling women in the Bible (Who are not named Ruth or Esther). Both the stories of Ruth and Esther are beautiful, gracious, and profound. We love reading and rereading them. However, in an attempt to bring attention to more stories of more women throughout the Scriptures, we choose now to shift our focus. Our first woman, is, the first woman herself: Eve.
  7. As the body positivity movement has gained traction, we must also be aware of some of its pitfalls
  8. The grace of God does not save us at the beginning only in order to keep ourselves in his good graces by our good enough readiness.
  9. Through the often abominable and lamentable and occasional commendable season, there is one who remains unmoved by it all.
  10. Only when we’re ready to accept the impossibility of human perfection can we move beyond the paralyzing myth that we are capable of anything good apart from Christ.
  11. The irony of our idolatry is that many of our idols could and would speak the gospel to us if we would listen.
  12. Faith isn’t something that needs to be done. It’s something to be enjoyed because faith is a gift bestowed by God’s word through the hearing of the Gospel.