1. This is an excerpt from “The Pastoral Prophet: Meditations on the Book of Jeremiah” written by Steve Kruschel (1517 Publishing, 2019).
  2. This week, we are grateful to publish a series of sermons from our beloved late Chaplain, Ron Hodel. This is the fifth installment of that series.
  3. Armed with great analogies, airtight logic, and razor sharp wit, Lewis keeps you spellbound from one chapter to another as you find yourself going “further up and further in.”
  4. “Come join the murder,” the black ravens of his heart cried. “Come join it again, old friend.” And so he did. The prodigal relapsed. Re-sinned. Re-destroyed his life. Would his father welcome him home this time?
  5. Lent means that we do not have to look to ourselves but can look to our neighbor in love as Christ has loved us.
  6. When we own up to our sin, our Father is not scandalized, and his response is not to reconsider his calling us.
  7. I may feel today that the Lord has not found me, but in fact he has – he is intimately acquainted with all my ways.
  8. When we read a good story, we sojourn with the characters and authors upon the trail of longing. Such is the pilgrim’s path.
  9. Even for idolatrous sellouts like you and me, God’s position has not changed. Even though we may have forgotten him, he never forgets us.
  10. The thought of losing even one of those for whom his Son died pains God beyond belief, and the angels rejoice when even one of his children repents.
  11. Fourteen years ago, drowning in the muck of dark despair, in the middle of a life gone terribly wrong, I wrote in my journal, "I wonder how, once this is all over, how I’ll be, how I’ll turn out…” Now I know.