1. God’s published will offers us anchorage, the anchorage of Jesus Christ, in the midst of chaos, reminding us that there is a greater purpose to our lives than the pursuit of worldly success or fleeting pleasures.
  2. The Holy Spirit unleashes his power through us, his vines, and we then get to watch as his fruits blossom and ripen.
  3. Everything in Scripture is God revealing himself to his people, you and me.
  4. It’s not our eloquence or persuasive rhetoric that changes hearts, but the Word of God that pierces through the hardened shells of unbelief and breathes life into the dead bones of sinners.
  5. God's faithfulness is constant and consistent. It knows no season. His love for us doesn't fade with the summer sun.
  6. The Lord’s Prayer is liturgy and catechism, action and instruction, praxis and theology.
  7. Prayer is not just about asking for things. It's about receiving what has already been given to us in Christ.
  8. God cares about our real life where we actually are. He is present in the everyday.
  9. When we forget that we live by promise, that's when the danger tends to creep in. Because failing to embrace promise means we usually fall back into notions of luck, or even worse--into works.
  10. The Lord knew how it felt to be a rejected stone.
  11. Jesus cries on the cross for us. He suffers and cries and dies in our place. He is forsaken by his father so we don’t have to be.
  12. As I look back, I choose to remember her as a soul redeemed by Christ.