1. In that moment of greatest despair, we find the antidote for all our fears. We know we are beloved of God and there is salvation in Christ’s atoning death.
  2. Jesus weeps because his heart pulses with furious rage and fierce love.
  3. Honest confession brings us into the fatherly care of God where we are always greeted with grace, mercy, peace, love, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
  4. While midnight might seem long, the mercy of God assures us that the morning will come.
  5. In the tumultuous sea of information, opinions, and ideologies that break over us each day, we hold fast to the anchor of our faith—Jesus, the true prophet.
  6. A pastor is sent to proclaim the unconditional grace of God, reminding us again and again that it is our Heavenly Father who reaches out to us in love through his Christ-won forgiveness, and not the other way around.
  7. While we wait in tribulation for our white robes (or pants) to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, we confess to one another our seen and unseen stains.
  8. The Holy Spirit unleashes his power through us, his vines, and we then get to watch as his fruits blossom and ripen.
  9. Everything in Scripture is God revealing himself to his people, you and me.
  10. It’s not our eloquence or persuasive rhetoric that changes hearts, but the Word of God that pierces through the hardened shells of unbelief and breathes life into the dead bones of sinners.
  11. The Lord’s Prayer is liturgy and catechism, action and instruction, praxis and theology.
  12. Prayer is not just about asking for things. It's about receiving what has already been given to us in Christ.