1. Your justification isn’t a matter of “Jesus plus” anything.
  2. What does professional wrestling and preaching have in common?
  3. What (if anything) makes a sermon distinctive?
  4. The Jews were living the script for a Western movie when Jesus showed up. The enemies of God were running the town
  5. Yes, Christmas brings joy, but no less danger
  6. Paul has zero patience for the gospel of God to be called into question, especially when the ones questioning it are the ones who should’ve known better.
  7. Any message other than "Christ for you" is not good news.
  8. Matthew 22 sees Jesus address Jewish legal debates. In the process, he makes disticntions between the Law and Gospel.
  9. How the ancient view of "guts" is a lively metaphor of promise
  10. Christ reshapes what forgivness means and why it's important
  11. As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
  12. We must also address the stigma surrounding addiction within so many churches.