1. Jesus is both the image bearer and the image giver. In Jesus’ incarnation we are redeemed and re-imaged.
  2. The Reformation was yet another era of history when God’s people were faced with the question that Jesus asked his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?”
  3. Our Lord is not only the King of creation but the King of creativity.
  4. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture echoes with the great songs of salvation that fill our ears, hearts, minds, and mouths with the good news of salvation in Jesus.
  5. God preserves language so he might continue to communicate his love and grace to us, and that we might communicate his love and grace to others.
  6. This tale of two professors has a common theme, plot, and denouement - the good news of the one true story, Jesus Christ crucified for you.
  7. Christ crucified is at the heart of both our freedom from sin and death and our freedom to serve and love our neighbor.