1. In this article Amy Mantravadi give a short but helpful summary of the differences in Lutheran and Reformed thought regarding assurance.
  2. C.S. Lewis, Grief, and the Holiday Season
  3. The following poem was written by Tanner Olson to accompany 1517’s 2023 Advent Resources, The Clothing of the King. Advent begins this Sunday.
  4. Curious about what Lutherans mean by “Two Kingdom”? In this short piece John Hoyum sums up the doctrine and some of its potential consequences.
  5. Any message other than "Christ for you" is not good news.
  6. Steven Paulson shares the meaning (and grace) found in All Saints Day
  7. Amy Mantravadi reviews a new book about Medieval perceptions of Jesus
  8. 1517 Resources to help Celebrate Reformation Day
  9. C.S. Lewis muses on joy in his spiriutal autobiography
  10. The life of C.S. Lewis' brother, Warren Lewis
  11. Theology and history go hand in hand in the real person of Jesus Christ, making the truth of the Gospels profoundly human and powerfully meaningful.
  12. In A Hobbit, A Wardrobe and a Great War, Loconte meticulously analyzes both Lewis and Tolkien with one eye on their immediate historical context and the other on their works, letters, and diary entries.