1. Sin is a heavy thing to bear. Its jacket is shame, its medals are guilt.
  2. The love of God in Christ Jesus never changes. That love is for you.
  3. The opponents of Father Brown thought that debunking the fake resurrection of Father Brown would discredit the good news of Christ's resurrection. The truth, however, is the other way around.
  4. Jesus has gone ahead of you on the road, and promises to be with you still.
  5. Your champion steps forward.
  6. We are the fruit that grows from the branch, which extends from the trunk of the tree, which is rooted in the soil that it grows out of, which is all Christ.
  7. What if the dissonance in this calendrical coincidence can be harmonized into a deeper melody?
  8. One way or another, Rod always found a way to bring whatever story he was telling back to the gospel and God's grace in Christ.
  9. Christ's resurrection does not merely negate the bitterness of sin; it changes it into a source of divine sweetness, embodying the promise of a new life for us and a restored existence overshadowed by heavenly hope.
  10. When the Savior gets on our trail, nothing, not even the grave and hell, can stop him.
  11. Jesus will lead us through the deep waters onto the dry land of that celestial shore, where he will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
  12. Jesus reveals to them again who He is. And that life can only be given when we feed on Christ.