1. We interviewed Kelsi Klembara after she spoke at the recent "Here We Still Stand" Regional Conference in Bentonville, Arkansas. She spoke about the embodiment of our redemption, and how our theology of the body can effect how we view eating disorders, chronic health issues, various health improvement programs and even the body positivity movement.
  2. The Thinking Fellows discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media.
  3. The Fellows respond to comments made by Jordan Peterson on The Joe Rogan Podcast.
  4. Caleb, Scott, and Adam discuss the characters and ideas that made up the Inklings.
  5. Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Rev. Dr. David Schmitt from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  6. What is the real power that drives the Christian Church, even today? Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Dr. Erik Herrmann from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  7. Guest David Zahl talk with the preachers about his upcoming book!
  8. We are thrilled to have Heidi Goehmann, author, deaconess, and mental health provider talk about the intersection of theology and mental health.
  9. Take a break from wailing at your own personal wailing wall made up of unfulfilled dreams, cold-hearted gods, and broken relationships. Pull the tab on a Schlitz and sit down for some yucking it up, and little Holy Spirit! We’ll buy this one: just relax.
  10. Beneath the calm, within the light, A hid unruly appetite Of swifter life, a surer hope, Strains every sense to larger scope, Impatient to anticipate The halting steps of aged Fate. Now listen to Ringside.
  11. According to the make believe wokeness-ometer, Jesus qualifies as the most authoritative voice because he was the most oppressed. Poor Jew, not from Jerusalem, under Roman rule, betrayed by his own, even his friends, killed because of his identity. Listen to him.