1. Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord.
  2. A short and empty argument.
  3. Author and speaker, Elyse Fitzpatrick, talks with Kelsi about the condemnation and accusation of the law, and as a result, how no one is able to truly achieve perfectionism.
  4. Job as a type of Christ.
  5. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price cover Mark 12:13-17.
  6. But the wicked do prosper.
  7. Job’s redeemer lives.
  8. Hope as your casket partner.
  9. When the wicked pursue the lowly.
  10. Talking to God like you know Him and He knows you.
  11. In the first episode of 2024, Kelsi chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, about the benefits to reading the Bible in a Year, some helpful and guiltless ways to approach this goal and reading Scripture in general.