1. Is the "still small voice" of God a murmuring in your heart, a whisper of conscience, the Universe whispering to you? When we explore 1 Kings 19, that "voice" turns out to be very much like the Messenger and Word of the Lord.
  2. Every part of Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene in John 20 was incredibly intentional and personal for God to systematically redeem what was lost.
  3. What the gospel promises is not escape from our humanity, but resurrection from the dead.
  4. Our Judge (the one who can condemn us) has become our Advocate (the one who doesn’t condemn us) because he is also our Substitute (the one who takes our condemnation).
  5. Thomas is an illustration of the power of Christ’s resurrection.
  6. Hamilton writes lucidly. He has that rare gift of walking the tightrope between the academy and the church, being able to communicate to both groups in the same book.
  7. History won’t judge us, Jesus will. We already have his judgment. He gave it to us from the cross, where he acquitted us with his death.
  8. Free-range Christ is fearful Christ because he is present, speaking, and I just crucified him.
  9. Sometimes loss is gain. Sometimes defeat is victory. Sometimes weakness is strength. Sometimes death is life. Sometimes, that is, when Christ is at the center, on his cross and not in his tomb.
  10. God has found a way to be God even for the likes of us. He has found a way to save sinners.
  11. Christ has come to make every last aspect of your life the object of his eternal, never-ending, always transitive grace.
  12. The Savior wasn’t always forthright with his intentions behind using and relaying certain parabolic narratives.