1. On May 2nd, Cantate Sunday, in the year 1507, Luther celebrated his first Mass.
  2. What the gospel promises is not escape from our humanity, but resurrection from the dead.
  3. To give us God’s name, the name that is above every name, Christ gave us the exact words to say at baptism: the name of the triune God who is three persons, one God: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
  4. This book is not in your hands so that we can simply commiserate with each other’s difficulties. It is meant to pierce your sin-darkened night with the light of God’s Word.
  5. I want the beginning of my funeral to be focused on Jesus, as well as the middle, the end, and every point in between.
  6. Who we are buried with matters. But there is no need to go out and find a dead prophet so you can join him six feet under.
  7. The promise here is that God is present with us in our troubles, issuing commands to save us before we ask. God does not ignore our suffering and cries.
  8. We cannot love first. Therefore God comes, takes hold of the heart, and says: "Learn to know me."
  9. God is often hidden in history, even as we make it now, but He is always manifest where He has promised to be.
  10. You can die now, you can let go, and because that is true, you can begin to live!
  11. God is not a preoccupied parent, he’s an invested and interested tender loving Father. He values what perplexes us.
  12. This is the patient love of God. He is stubborn about the salvation of sinners. He will not be rushed even if his name is mocked, and the trustworthiness of his promises are called into question.