1. To believe God is love and thus loves you is a miracle wrought by the Holy Spirit.
  2. His love for you is so deep that in his mercy, while you were yet a sinner, God sent his only begotten Son to die for you.
  3. God gives us the power and authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to burdened sinners who entrust us with their pain, guilt, and defeat.
  4. Repentance is meaningless unless we are willing to acknowledge who we are: sinners needing mercy.
  5. Despite our best efforts to avoid him, King Jesus remains very much unavoidable.
  6. You are the friend in low places. It’s only from this place that you are free to look outside yourself for the remedy to the issues that plague you and humanity.
  7. Righteousness before God is possessed only by grace and that through the currency of faith.
  8. When we cry to the Lord in our trouble, he will send us a preacher with words that deliver us from destruction.
  9. This is an excerpt from “The Pastoral Prophet: Meditations on the Book of Jeremiah” written by Steve Kruschel (1517 Publishing, 2019).