1. This is an excerpt from the introduction of “Urchin at War: Volume 1” by Uwe Siemon-Netto (1517 Publishing, 2021).
  2. We do not have to endure the pain and suffering of this fallen existence forever, just for a little while.
  3. The acquisition of salvation, the giving of salvation, and the keeping of salvation are entirely dependent upon the Savior himself.
  4. What Luther is doing in his Catechism is teaching how the gospel is an action of the whole Trinity, not just one of the persons.
  5. The story of Juneteenth is one of living between proclamation and emancipation, and the story of the Christian faith is one of living in that same tension.
  6. The one true God has revealed himself as the answer to the longings of every human heart. The search has ended. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Holy, Holy, Holy.
  7. God bestows faith that it should deal not with ordinary things, but with things no human being can master such as death, sin, the world, and Satan.
  8. For those of us who recognize the disciples’ despair in ourselves, Jesus comes with the same word: “Relax, it’s me. Peace be with you.”
  9. The Holy Spirit does what his name implies. He makes us holy. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and come to him only by the Holy Spirit who calls us with the gospel.
  10. Being able to tell the difference between truth and lies is at the core of repentance.
  11. The paradoxical Puritan doctrines of an inability to convert oneself and the command to work out one’s salvation with fear and trembling placed would-be converts like Mather in quite a bind.
  12. This tale of two professors has a common theme, plot, and denouement - the good news of the one true story, Jesus Christ crucified for you.