1. God has a plan for this world that he put into place from eternity, a plan that is carried out in Jesus Christ and promises unimaginably great blessings for believers.
  2. For Japan’s highly secularized elite, alienated by collapsing opportunity and the materialistic void left behind, Bach’s music was a balm.
  3. The relationship between faith and prayer or belief and worship is mutual. Faith produces prayer and prayer expresses faith.
  4. Just as the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread, so we, through the working of the Holy Spirit, recognize our Lord in the Word and Sacraments.
  5. I trust that because of the gospel, God will continue to mend what I, in my sin, continue to break.
  6. 1517 would not exist without the leadership, friendship, and faithfulness of Pastor Ron Hodel.
  7. Jesus does not put us on trial and make us pay for our own sin, but he, himself, is put on trial in our place.
  8. Armed with great analogies, airtight logic, and razor sharp wit, Lewis keeps you spellbound from one chapter to another as you find yourself going “further up and further in.”
  9. On May 2nd, Cantate Sunday, in the year 1507, Luther celebrated his first Mass.
  10. This is an excerpt from “A Shepherd’s Letter” written by Bo Giertz and translated by Bror Erickson (1517 Publishing, 2022).
  11. To give us God’s name, the name that is above every name, Christ gave us the exact words to say at baptism: the name of the triune God who is three persons, one God: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
  12. While so much remains the same week after week, the past years have taught me how much changes. And I kind of like it.