1. By his first Advent in the flesh, through his second Advent with bread and wine and water and Word, we await his third Advent at the end.
  2. When and how did the church start this season of anticipation?
  3. Help comes for those who cannot help themselves. When we bottom-out and come to the end of ourselves, that is where hope springs.
  4. Preachers and church workers must also hear the gospel preached to them.
  5. Through water, blood, and word, the Spirit never stops pointing us to Christ, and even more, giving us Christ.
  6. Every incendiary move of God’s Spirit is accompanied by a group of penitent people rediscovering the power and preeminence of God’s Word.
  7. In the Reformation, as in the tabernacle, God gave skill, artistry, and craftsmanship to put his Word in images so that through art, his Word would be revealed.
  8. We need to hear the gospel because it is good news that is not from you, or about you, or because of you.
  9. For as you pick up the Holy Bible, God’s Word to you and for you in Christ, the words of the prophet Isaiah echo in your ears, "The Word of the Lord Endures Forever."
  10. Christ is not an idea. He isn’t a concept. He isn’t a religious notion or sentiment. He isn’t a product. He is the Savior, flesh and blood.