1. The Lord knew how it felt to be a rejected stone.
  2. Christ's words of exclusive salvation are not just a warning but a sure promise for you.
  3. The only way to change the current state of worship songwriting and production is to create something different.
  4. Jesus cries on the cross for us. He suffers and cries and dies in our place. He is forsaken by his father so we don’t have to be.
  5. What might Christians of the Reformation tradition think of claims like these about the nature of salvation?
  6. Jesus makes David’s words his own, because David’s words were Christ’s to begin with.
  7. Although Jesus bodily ascended and is hidden from our earthly eyes, he is not far off.
  8. The drama of Scripture is about God renaming us by bringing us into his image-bearing family once again. And it would take “a name above all names” to accomplish it.
  9. Only by accurately and honestly reporting the views of those with whom we disagree can we then properly address and refute them. This is the approach Solberg has taken.
  10. The story of salvation is the true story of God doing his unexpected work of salvation for us.
  11. Paul is writing as a man who has already lived a life of law-keeping while denying the resurrection.