1. Our comfort in this seemingly endless age of crisis after crisis is the inexhaustible hope of Jesus’s reversal.
  2. On Saturday, July 16, Luke Gabriel Bird died in a hiking accident in Chile. He was a midshipman in the United States Naval Academy. He is our son. Here are some reflections on his life, his faith, and his Lord.
  3. Faith is like a horse with blinders because it only beholds God’s promise. It is obsessed with what God has already said.
  4. Darkness is not your only friend. Jesus loves you, and he will be with you.
  5. Nothing stands against you. Only Christ stands now, and he is for you, more for you than you could ever know, for you like nothing else that has ever loved you.
  6. Every part of Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene in John 20 was incredibly intentional and personal for God to systematically redeem what was lost.
  7. Thomas is an illustration of the power of Christ’s resurrection.
  8. Free-range Christ is fearful Christ because he is present, speaking, and I just crucified him.
  9. Sometimes loss is gain. Sometimes defeat is victory. Sometimes weakness is strength. Sometimes death is life. Sometimes, that is, when Christ is at the center, on his cross and not in his tomb.
  10. Christ has come to make every last aspect of your life the object of his eternal, never-ending, always transitive grace.
  11. Easter must be seen in light of the cross. It must never overshadow Good Friday. They are a packaged deal!
  12. It is good to remember that this true story, is also beautiful.